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Perfect Abstractions LLC receives payment from clients (the “Clients”) for reviewing code and writing these reports (the “Reports”).

The Reports are not an accusation or endorsement of any project or team, and the Reports do not guarantee the security of any project. No Report provides any warranty or representation to any Third-Party in any respect, including regarding the bug-free nature of code, the business model or proprietors of any such business model, and the legal compliance of any such business. To remove any doubt, this Report is not investment advice, is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice, is not an endorsement of this project or team, and it is not a guarantee as to the security of the project.

The Reports are created for Clients and published with their consent. The scope of our review is limited to the code or files that are specified in this report. The Solidity language remains under development and is subject to unknown risks and flaws. The review does not extend to the compiler layer, or any other areas beyond specified code that could present security risks.